About The Authors

The author and editor team of Vaughn Thurman and Chuck Tressler are committed to spreading the good news that God sent His Son to pay the price for the sins of all mankind on the cross, thereby providing a means for reconciliation with God. All those who might consider accepting this free gift deserve to see how God has also proven that His Word and His Son can be trusted. That is the mission of Exposition Media.

Vaughn Thurman

Vaughn was born in the last 60s, the son of a pastor and his wife, in the outskirts of Newark, New Jersey. He was raised in the Protestant church until his parents relocated to Maryland to help lead a Pentecostal church. That church soon after split and was rocked with scandals, including embezzlement, leading Vaughn to grow up distrusting the church and all it represented. By 15, he had run away from home and was a frequent drug user, criminal, and philanderer. By his early 20s, he had returned home, gotten his GED, started taking college classes at night, and soon after joined the Air Force, where he was trained in Analog and early Digital Electronic systems and assigned to work on Avionics Systems at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware. Upon returning to Maryland, he started a construction business in the Baltimore area and ran that until the mid-90s, when he cracked the books and migrated to the information technology field.

He has built and sold two businesses (the first in construction and another in IT Systems Integration and Support). He is currently running his third firm, an enterprise software company called HighGear. Vaughn has been married for nearly 30 years, has six children, and has gone from being raised in an urban setting to living on a family-run farm focused on regenerative and organic farming principles and products. Vaughn has also written a transparent account of his business and faith journey and how they intertwined in an Amazon Best-selling business book titled: Lessons From The Edge of Business Disaster – A Leader’s Guide to Survival and Recovery.

Vaughn may have grown up in the church, but he reports, “I didn’t really have a direct relationship with Jesus until I was well into my 30s. While I prayed numerous prayers of salvation or rededication, I didn’t really trust Christ. I thought He was out to get me. While I feared hell, I never believed a simple prayer would help me escape it because I wasn’t changing. I certainly had ‘the fear of the Lord,’ but it wasn’t a healthy fear; it was the fear that he would judge me for coming up short. So, if I was going to burn anyway, why not live it up? And I did.

After wavering in my commitment to attending church for decades, I finally committed to going weekly as part of what I thought was the right way to raise a young family. However, I hadn’t really changed inside, and I still thought of Jesus as my likely judge, not my rescuer. I was fortunate to be challenged by an older gentleman who harshly counseled me, ‘You shouldn’t claim that various things are in the bible somewhere because, for example, that thing you just said isn’t even there.’ As a proud young man, I was determined to prove him wrong, and so for the first time in my life, I read the Bible my parents had given my wife long ago. I read it cover to cover. Inside, I found a God who had laid out an extraordinary plan to rescue me and everyone like me. I also found Christ, who had laid His life down for the sake of my eternal life. In fact, I found that many things I believed or even learned in the church-at-large were not in the Bible at all. I also found that many things I had desperately needed to learn and understand about God and His Son had never been taught.

My passion is making things better. We hope that our efforts through Exposition Media will help make the whole world a better place by helping others see the power, generosity, intellect, love, rich provision, and matchless opportunity freely offered within God’s Word. This offer is made to all willing to approach God in this way: ‘I need you, God. I am willing to admit it and ask for your salvation through Jesus Christ, whom you have proven is Your Son and my rescuer.’ Our cause is to show How God has laid all of this out for all to see in His mighty and powerful Word.”

Chuck Tressler

Chuck Tressler was born in the late 40s in Pennsylvania, the son of a well-regarded college professor. Chuck’s childhood included numerous relocations as his father advanced his career through various universities. Being raised in a family that valued education, Chuck completed his Masters in Psychology at Hood College. He has grown and operated several businesses over the years ranging from a mail order catalog business in the gardening and home decor space in the late 80s, then a retail business in a busy tourist area and even a company that produced historic replica cannons, including those used in the Disney film, The Alamo. Chuck now runs a marketing and content generation firm. During his varied and agile life, Chuck found Christ, or Christ found him, as he shares below:

“My family was Lutheran twice, Methodist, and Dutch Reformed, finally landing in the United Church of Christ.  We were not church-hopping in the usual sense; we just moved a lot.  Why did we go to church?  My father always told me it was because: ‘That is what good people do.’  He had been raised Lutheran, and my mother was a Catholic.

Early in my marriage, seeing spirituality as ‘all things being equal’ and continuing to seek, I invited missionaries from the Mormon church into our apartment. Being less open to spiritual matters, my wife was not too excited about this. I later checked out a Presbyterian church up the street from us in Omaha. Then we attended a Methodist Church in St. Louis, but we were still just long-term visitors that had not yet found Jesus personally.  Later in California, continuing to seek, I even checked out a cult. At one point, I even attended an expensive series of New Age seminars, again much to my wife’s chagrin.

One day I finally had someone explain to me what I was seeking. The fellow who is now my best friend and was once my personal fitness trainer during the late 80s told me I could have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  We prayed together, but it still took roughly thirty years of difficult trials to finally come to terms with the idea that I could experience an entirely new and different life through a personal relationship with Jesus and God, His Father.

Soon after, I was baptized in a Southern Baptist church, followed by spending time in a Covenant Church, a Vineyard Church, and a few charismatic fellowships.

Today, I am growing in an eight-person home group that essentially studies God’s Word, much like the Bereans of old.  My exhortation to others is not to wait as long as I did to get the message. The good news is that The Lord uses all of the experiences along our journeys for His purpose, and if we allow Him to, in the end, He draws us home to exactly where we should be.”